
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Buman. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Buman, Barbara about 1631 29 January 1666 Huber, Hans Jacob
Buman, Gross Hans 1505 about 1559
Buman, Hans about 1395 about 1420
Buman, Hans 1470 1555 Lehman, Verena
Buman, Jung Hans 26 November 1570 26 February 1619 Russerin, Elsbeth
Buman, Klein Hans about 1540 1606 Suter, Margaret
Buman, Oswald 10 August 1600 1673 Dautlicker, Judith
Buman, Peter 1420 1501 Widmer, Greta
Buman, Ulie Julius about 1369 about 1425
Buman, Uly 1449 1491