
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Bär. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Bär, Anna 1618 after 1668 Meili, Martin Chroniclar
Bär, Anna 25 March 1670 1726 Herr, Abraham
Bär, Barbli 15 June 1617   Meylin, Hans
Bär, Hans about 1520 about 1600
Bär, Hans 17 February 1544 before 1614 Huber, Katarina Verena
Bär, Hans 1570 20 July 1617 Biedermann, Anna
Bär, Heinrich December 1640 about 1700 Mayer, Verena Anna
Bär, Margaretha about 1529 about 1562 Näf, Heini
Bär, Osli 1574 1648 Biedermann, Barbara
Bär, Oswald before 1614 after 1679 Lamprecht, Elisabeth