Kundig, Hans Jagli 1 2

Birth Name Kundig, Hans Jagli
Gender male


HFLS has name as Hans Jakob Kündig.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 13 March 1636 Auslikon, Pfäffikon, Canton Zürich, Switzerland    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Kundig, Jörg Müller15981650
Mother Huffellberg, Barbel9 December 16031652
         Kundig, Hans Jagli 13 March 1636
    Brother     Kundig, Hans Heinrich 6 June 1641 6 April 1720
Father Kundig, Jörg Müller15981650
Meyer, Anna21 August 16071634
    Half-brother     Kendig, John Jacob October 1620 1720


Family of Kundig, Hans Jagli and Meili, Elsbeth

Married Wife Meili, Elsbeth ( * about 1640 + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Kendig, Susanna Orendorf16781746

Family Map

Family Map