
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wolf. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Wolf, Anna about 1575   Zahler, Gwer
Wolf, Christina 24 March 1798 3 December 1829 Schlott, Henry
Wolf, Daniel     Unknown, Elizabeth (wife of Daniel Wolf)
Wolf, Elisabeth about 1565   Miltzi, Niklaus
Wolf, Elizabeth 1780 15 April 1854 Spotts, John
Wolf, Henry Joseph 15 September 1882 16 September 1942 Mergler, Mary C.
Wolf, Jacob about 3 January 1806 17 November 1884 Weiss, Gertrude
Wolf, Louis Philip 20 June 1852 9 January 1935 Metz, Mary Magdalene
Wolf, Michael before 1795   Link, Christina
Wolf, Mildred Francis 18 December 1905 1 January 1978 Koster, Alfred William